Delicia Niami – Contest Winner

At only 45 years old, you wouldn’t expect to hear that Delicia has been struggling with extreme hot flashes for six years. She looks young for her age as it is, and many people don’t expect women in their thirties and early forties to be suffering from menopause symptoms yet.
With daily bouts of 40 to 50 hot flashes that left her dripping with sweat in the most inconvenient circumstances, Delicia was desperate for relief. Following a natural lifestyle, she was unwilling to take drugs or other unnatural treatments to get that relief.
After years of embarrassing, unexpected hot flashes in interviews and meetings in Hollywood, she finally stumbled upon LadyCare while perusing her favorite musician’s Facebook page. Having seen an article pop up that said this celebrity’s hot flashes were eliminated with LadyCare, Delicia had to check it out for herself.
She decided if it worked for her idol, it might work for her, too. She ordered the LadyCare therapeutic device and hoped it would be the natural menopause treatment she was looking for.
After wearing it for three months, she noticed a drastic decrease in her hot flashes. They began occurring less and less frequently, and have since dropped to about ten a day, sometimes even fewer. It’s been a year and a half at this point, and she hasn’t stopped wearing it since she got it.
Imagine spending five years afraid of going to work or meeting with others because you might suddenly begin sweating profusely. Delicia says that because many people don’t think a woman her age could be experiencing menopause, they would wonder what was wrong with her. The sense of comfort and relief she’s gotten from LadyCare and the ability to go about her daily life again as normal has been a lifesaver.
“It’s really made a difference in my level of comfort and being able to communicate with others, and just be in relationships with people in general,” she said.
Delicia says she’s probably told a hundred women or more about her success with LadyCare in the time since, and she’s not going to stop spreading the good news anytime soon. “It’s a miracle,” she said. “I encourage people to do things naturally rather than take drugs or something else that’s not natural so I talk about it all the time to women.”
She says she’ll actually pull the device out of her clothing when describing it, as many women she tells can’t visualize it otherwise. It looks surprisingly simple in design, but is incredibly powerful in its relief from many menopause symptoms.
“I used to dread going to meet with people for fear that I would randomly start sweating profusely for no apparent reason,” Delicia concluded. “That fear is now gone, so thank you very much for your product, it has been a godsend. Zero medications for menopause, just LadyCare. That’s may be really all you need.”
You can learn more about the LadyCare device here to see whether or not it might be able to help you find the relief you’ve been looking for.
These statements and products have not been evaluated by the FDA. The products of this company are not intended to diagnose, prevent, heal, treat, or cure any disease or injury. If you have any pre-existing conditions, we advise you to check with your physician or healthcare provider prior to using. For external use only.