Around the world, forty-five to fifty-year-old women are counting down to menopause. Do you know when to expect perimenopause to make an appearance in your life?
Perimenopause is the stage female bodies go through shortly before menopause begins. It begins when the body begins to produce less estrogen and ends when a woman hasn’t had her period for twelve months, at which point she is officially said to be in menopause.
It might seem odd that so much attention is given to menstruation and menopause, but there’s so little education on perimenopause. Perimenopause might last as long as ten years, and we think you should be informed about the facts.
Would you like to know what effects perimenopause will have on your body, your attitudes and your relationships? You’re in the right place, and we’ll try to answer as many of your questions as we can.
What Exactly is the Difference Between Perimenopause and Menopause?
Since peri- means about, around or surrounding, perimenopause is that time in a woman’s life leading up to menopause. The ovaries are slowing their production of estrogen, and it’s towards the end of perimenopause when the ovaries stop releasing eggs that symptoms that affect daily life often begin to appear. Menopause is the stage directly following these changes when a woman is no longer able to bear children.
While menopause usually starts between ages 49 and 52, it has been known to start as early as the mid-30s. Perimenopause most often begins about four years before menopause begins, but can last as long as ten years. That means women as young as 30 or 40 to 50 should be aware of changes in their bodies so they can implement any needed changes in their lifestyle that might help offset unpleasant symptoms.
If you’re sure you haven’t hit menopause yet but some things just haven’t been adding up lately, or something has seemed “off” with your body, it could very well be that you’re in perimenopause.
Luckily for most women, the symptoms and effects of perimenopause aren’t usually as uncomfortable or disruptive to daily life as those of menopause, but that’s not always the case.
Many women make it through this stage of life no worse for wear. For others, knowing signs of perimenopause makes it easier to prepare with research on healthy habits that can help offset any negative effects you might otherwise suffer during these years.
Signs to Look Out For
While every woman’s combination of perimenopause symptoms will vary, there’s a number of them that are quite common, including:
- Sleep problems
- Vaginal dryness
- Depression
- Mood swings
- Weight gain
- Hot flashes
- Diminished libido
- Irregular periods
- Sore breasts
Some women have suffered from these symptoms during their menstrual cycles for years. Be aware now of any changes in your symptoms or their severity. Talk to your doctor if you have any concerns about your body, or questions about whether or not you’re in perimenopause.
How to Relieve Symptoms of Perimenopause
While natural menopause treatments exist for many symptoms, there are several symptoms on this list that can be alleviated without expensive products.
Vaginal dryness can lead to discomfort during intercourse. Using lubricant can make up for the changes in your body.
Changing hormone levels can cause even those who have been slender their whole lives to put on a few extra pounds. It might be time to research new ways of eating and see if perhaps a healthier diet might help you maintain the figure you’re used to.
There are also many exercises that can not only help to combat weight gain but have also been linked to relieving hot flashes and acting as an anti-depressant as well.
You should also know that LadyCare has been known to be extremely effective in providing relief from perimenopause symptoms as well as menopause symptoms, like breast tenderness, hot flashes, mood swings and more.
It was found to help as many as 71% of women with as many as 24 different symptoms. If you’re tired of feeling tired, depressed, hot, moody, bloated or any of the other unpleasantness that may accompany a transition into menopause, we invite you to take a look at the LadyCare therapeutic device and learn how it can help you feel like yourself again.
These statements and products have not been evaluated by the FDA. The products of this company are not intended to diagnose, prevent, heal, treat, or cure any disease or injury. If you have any pre-existing conditions, we advise you to check with your physician or healthcare provider prior to using. For external use only.